Friday, April 13, 2012


WTF?!  Somehow no one wants to comment on the possible investigation into the incestious relationship between the City of South Miami, it's police chief, Orlando Martinez de Castro and his wife's tag agency.  We've been following the story of the Airways Auto Tag Agency tellers who, at least in our opinion, were framed for the theft of tens of thousands of dollars that all allegedly occurred in one day at the City of South Miami Police Chief's wife's tag agency.  While we find the allegations in the police report against these three tellers to be ludicrous at best, what we accidentally stumbled upon during our investigation of this case was that the City of South Miami was doing business with the chief's wife's business, a clear violation of the city's own ethics code.

A few months back, we met with members of the Miami Dade County Ethics Commission and we brought up this conflict of interest story between the City of South Miami and the Police Chief's wife's business and were assured by none other than the commissions executive director, Joe Centorino, that these were very serious allegations and that they were going to look into this alleged "conflict of interest" right away.  I've tried to follow up several times and the only answer I've gotten to date is "we can't comment".  Ok, the other day a couple of different members of the mainstream media contacted me and asked me what I knew about the investigation after which I asked them what they've been able to find out.  It seems like no matter who they've asked, whether members of the Ethics Commission, City of South Miami commissioners, City of South Miami Mayor or even the Chief of Police, Orlando Martinez de Castro, across the board everyone has the same answer "No Comment"!  WTF?

Thankfully, we have our own sources which tell us that Chief Martinez de Castro has been telling those around him that he had no idea that the city was doing business with his family owned tag agency...

You don't say?  Anything is possible I guess.  While no one want's to comment on what's going on at the Ethics Commission regarding this City of South Miami/Airways Auto Tag mess, there's one thing that we know for sure, where there's smoke there's fire and after watching the way the three tellers from the Airways Auto Tag Agency boondoggle were railroaded, something tells me there's a lot more going on in Chief Martinez de Castro's little fiefdom than meets the eye...


  1. corruption this is all about it

  2. Lemme tell ju son-sing ju "Comprador de Paja"...I gwill tell ju nose-sing and my peepuulls gwuill tell ju nose-sing...OK.. ju dun no eye ah Beeg Meng en Sous Meeami...Nose-Tory heah

  3. Nothing to see here, move along...

  4. Mera, big man in south Miami. Eres un corrupto H.P y tendras que pagar por todo lo que has hecho. Aqui si hay historia ya veras.

  5. The only thing you have big its your body.

  6. If you think there is no story here, why you are a follower of the big strawbuyer?Mike unmask the big man.

  7. Big man remember Carlos Alvarez he tought he was a big man too and where he is now?

  8. The domino effect is a chain reaction that occurs when a small change causes a similar change nearby, which then will cause another similar change, and so on in linear sequence. The term is best known as a mechanical effect, and is used as an analogy to a falling row of dominoes. It typically refers to a linked sequence of events where the time between successive events is relatively small. It can be used literally (an observed series of actual collisions) or metaphorically (causal linkages within systems such as global finance or politics).This explain what is going to happen in the tellers case trying to mess with the poor teller the corrupted got caught.

  9. This is for you the one who wrote this "Anonymous said...
    Lemme tell ju son-sing ju "Comprador de Paja"...I gwill tell ju nose-sing and my peepuulls gwuill tell ju nose-sing...OK.. ju dun no eye ah Beeg Meng en Sous Meeami...Nose-Tory heah" I can and will trace your comment and will fine out who you are by your i.p and more you, we will c you dis que beeg meng or should i said mrs the castro ......Hackintouch

  10. The reason why no one will comment is that everyone is afraid of the Chief. He has powerful friends in the Cuban Mafia. He is BFF with a spook named Camilo Padreda. Google that name

  11. About police corruption ,''These are not going to be the last cases,'' said Mr. Bertucelli. ''The money is there and the greed is there.''
    Many years ago. He was soo true.

  12. Hey Mike...just saw this story in the Herald. You should look into it! ;)

    Seriously, great job!

  13. Well, at least now the Miami Herald has picked up on the story.

  14. Congrats to the "Strawbuyer Blog" you guys need more credit for what you do!!

  15. Mike, You and I know that the Chief is guilty but its leaning towards the he didn't know this was happening. Yea right....Let us see what Joe says.You did an excellent job on this exposure of the dirty deeds of the Chief. Makes you sick that nobody gives a shit. WOW WOW

  16. A traffic enforcement camera was made in order to remove the corrupted police on the street. Lol.


    Comedy City of South Miami
    Producer/Director Valerie Newman Hurley

    Nicholas Angel, an extremely dedicated police officer

    [whilst giving a presentation to a gathering of school children]

    Nicholas Angel: Police work is as much about preventing crime as it is about fighting crime. Most importantly it is about procedural correctness in the exercising of unquestionable moral authority.
    Any questions?

    "Orlando is a great police chief. He has turned our city around,” said Newman. “No one should be questioning his integrity." - By ANDREA TORRES

    South Miami police bought services from police chief’s wife

    Read more here:

    Yeah C'mon!
    Around and Around and now Upside Down???

    Only South Miami Commissioner Valerie Newman Hurley is allowed to Question the integrity of, Former City of South Miami Police Chief Bobby Richardson, one of many former City Managers and Acting City managers Roger Carlton, former Attorney Laurence Feingold, former special investigator Kenneth Harms used by South Miami Commissioner Valerie Newman Hurley specifically to Question the Integrity of City Staffers?.....
    Will South Miami Commissioner Valerie Newman Hurley seek his services again?

    "Gangsta Politics play out at City Hall as City Manager is latest victim" by Lee Stephens South Miami Community Newspapers

    "Following their dismissal of the complaint (C 09-11) against South Miami City Commissioner Valerie Newman last month, Ethics Commissioners today issued a Letter of Instruction to the politician. The charges, which originated in 2009 and were based on South Miami’s now-repealed Code of Conduct, accused Newman of bullying people inside and outside of city government.  Even though the COE determined that proceeding with the case would not be a prudent use of resources, the Letter states that “Rude, boorish and tyrannical behavior by elected officials, while perhaps not actionable under an ethics code, is inexcusable nevertheless.”   The Ethics Commission also states that “ethical behavior
    is not simply the doing what is right, but doing it the right way,” and hopes  the Letter “impresses upon Commissioner Newman and all elected officials that they must be mindful that their behavior be at all times proper, honest, respectful, and professional...”  - May 26, 2011 Miami Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust

    City of South Miami Ethics FAIL!

  18. Everytime that a crime occured you always hear people said "oh he/ she was so good" That's why dont get us by surprise Newman words. But we all know that the chief its guilty, he knew what was happening between his wife bussiness and his people.

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