The return of Orlando Martinez de Castro to the City of South Miami?!
We'll know in a couple of hours, the former chief's attorneys have a special set hearing before the honorable Judge Jose M. Rodriguez this morning to determine whether or not he'll get his job back. We'll update as soon as we have any information. How do you guys think this'll turn out?
I'm having a small issue I cannot make my reader pick up your rss feed, Neuroplex Pro I'm using google reader by the way.Please message me with a few tips about how you made this website look this good, Id be thankful.Keep it up, great job! Just the stuff I had to know.
I read a story in the Miami Herald on October 7, 2008 regarding a mortgage fraud case that didn't make any sense to me, I did a little digging and what I found left me stunned. A tale of a task force head whose political ambitions have run amuck, a detective without a modicum of common sense, a reporter that prints anything that's put in front of him, the railroading of an attorney by this machine to further the ambitions of its head and the lengths that those involved will go to in order to salvage a case that should have never been. Please take the time to start from the oldest post first and enjoy...
I'm having a small issue I cannot make my reader pick up your rss feed, Neuroplex Pro I'm using google reader by the way.Please message me with a few tips about how you made this website look this good, Id be thankful.Keep it up, great job! Just the stuff I had to know.