Friday, December 24, 2010

When tourists, straw buyers and exotic car rentals go WRONG!

It's tough to be all full of piss and vinegar this time of year, so we'll leave off this Christmas eve with a police report that accurately describes the type of "exotic car rental" business that we described in Wednesday's post.  This police report regarding a wrecked exotic rental car has all the elements of an illegal car rental company that we discussed the other day, straw buyers, financial fraud, insurance fraud, etc...  Take a look for yourselves, I apologize in advance for this disjointed shitty presentation of the police report, I was in a rush.  As always, click on the image for a larger view...

There's a lot to digest there, take a second look and then you might be able to fathom how stupid the people involved were.  By the time they were done the idiots involved staged at least three accidents and from the looks of it filed four different police reports, three of which were bogus.  Sounds stupid doesn't it?  Sophomoric?  Consider this isn't just some random police report of a moronic crime that I pulled out of the court files, the players involved in this escapade who can't seem to differentiate their asses from their elbows were also responsible for tens of millions of dollars of mortgage fraud and may even have some link to the Barrera mortgage fraud case.  Interesting huh?  More coming...

Until then folks, have a Merry Christmas!

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