I have an intense dislike for lawyers, the only thing that I hate more than a lawyer is a stupid lawyer. I keep saying that I'm going to post up the letter that embattled City of South Miami police chief, Orlando Martinez de Castro's attorney sent me, but before I do so, let me start by giving you a brief excerpt from the letter that the chief's attorney, Paul Totten, sent me referring to a blog post I made about the chief...
In fact, this entry treads on defamation as you are using a 2007 annual report to insinuate that the Chief still has an ownership interest in his wife's insurance agency today.No shit Mr. Totten? Defamation for suggesting that Orlando Martinez de Castro has an ownership interest in his wife's insurance agency today? Seriously? Let me give you a few words of advise counselor, before you go off half cocked threatening people with this kind of nonsensical bullshit, do a bit of research. While your letter suggests that you've been reading what I write on this website, you must not be reading to carefully. If you were, you'd have noticed this email that I posted which was written by your client who was busy soliciting business for the insurance agency that he has "an ownership interest in" while on the City of South Miami's taxpayers time...
You see that Mr. Totten? Pay particular attention to the date the email was written, April 6, 2011 and what your client had written in that email, specifically this part...
We owned (sic) a tag agency for the last nine year (sic) and we have an insurance agency internally.What does that tell you counselor? To avoid an ambiguity, let's make sure you understand the word "we" which means...
Used by the speaker or writer to indicate the speaker or writer along with another or others as the subjectGet it? "We" as in the chief and his wife own a tag agency and an insurance agency plus the email was written in 2011 well after the 2007 annual report that you mention in your letter to me.
So show me where anything you referenced in your letter even remotely borders on defamation?
Whatever the fuck ever. If this guy is going to be defending the chief against the Miami Dade County Ethics Commission then his goose is cooked.