Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Budget cuts and other craziness...

We're all aware of the county wide budget cuts that are one of the consequences of the overall real estate meltdown. Everywhere you look there's some sort of public service at risk of losing its funding, whether it be a library, emergency service, parks and recreation cut backs, etc. One of the latest victims of the budget cuts seems to be the Miami Dade County Independent Review Panel, the Miami Herald discusses the proposed elimination of the panel here. Remember these guys? When Chief Burgess of the MDPD decided that the Internal Affairs findings in the Blanton Harris traffic accident were not sustainable, Mr. Harris pled his case in front of the IRP who not only found that Detective Baluja acted inappropriately, but also found that the Chief of police acted inappropriately as well. Imagine if the IRP wasn't around, what would have been the consequence? Officer Baluja's misdeeds would have gone unreported and unpunished. It's this mechanism that's gives transparency and accountability to the MDPD and the county's operations. Can you imagine how bad the powers that be would love to get rid of this panel? Without them, they have no one to answer to. Wouldn't that be nice? Imagine, if not for the IRP, we would have never known about Jorge Baluja's history of $hitty police work nor the reprimand that followed.

So here we are, tomorrow makes it one year from the date that David Ovalle wrote about the Barrera mortgage fraud arrests in the Herald. Where is everyone involved a year later? It seem's like a year is plenty of time to bring a convictions in the case, isn't it? I know at least one member of the Barrera mess is going to be under the gun tomorrow, let me give him some words of advice:
  1. Eat well tonight, we would hate to have to see you suffer with a bout of diarrhea.
  2. Sleep well, we don't want you waking up late and missing your appointment.
  3. Leave home early enough in the morning so as to take into account any potential traffic delays.
  4. Check your tire pressures, we would hate to think you might get a flat on the way in.
  5. Make sure you have enough fuel, maybe even carry a gallon of gas in the trunk just in case.
  6. Make sure you have jumper cables, in case your battery is dead in the morning.
  7. Make sure you have all your last minute undercover work out of the way before your appointment.
  8. Bring a dictionary so those big words don't get in your way.
In a nutshell buddy, we would hate to see you miss your appointment tomorrow...

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