I've been contacted by a few people asking me to retract what I've wrote regarding those homes, I wonder why? Seems like there's a few people with intestinal issues right now...

that broke the camels back
Roger Besu, 233HOLY CRAP! Did I read that right?! THERE'S TWO MILLION DOLLARS MISSING FROM THIS GUYS TRUST ACCOUNT? Its not like this just happened either, IT'S BEEN GOING ON FOR NEARLY THREE YEARS! Surely by now there must be a criminal case right? He must have been arrested by now right? Based on our diligent search of the county records, WE SEE NOTHING! WTF?! Two million missing and no action?
Palm Ave., Miami Beach, suspended until further order, following a Feb. 5 court order. (Admitted to practice: 1974) According to an emergency suspension order, Besu appeared to be causing great public harm by misappropriating and/or diverting client funds entrusted to him. In October 2008, a client filed a complaint with The Florida Bar, alleging that Besu was holding more than $3.5 million of his money in escrow and he had not been able to reach Besu by telephone or at his office. Besu did not respond to a Bar subpoena. An audit revealed nearly $2 million was missing from a trust account that he controlled.(Case No. SC09-187)
"8-Det. Baluja's actions as set forth above and his refusal to attend his continuing deposition are clearly contemptuous and in violation of this Court's Order and constitute a willful and intentional attempt to frustrate the discovery process in this cause."OH SNAP! How's the judge going to react to that? How do you plan on explaining yourself out of this one? There's a suggestion in the same motion that you LIED regarding your vacation in June:
"...advised by the state "he was out all of June on vacation", although it appears that Det. Baluja was less than candid with the Assistant State Attorney handling this matter, since it seems that he was actually on vacation for only two (2) weeks."Rest easy and have a good weekend Jorge, don't worry though, we'll be back on Monday...YIKES!
February 17, 2009 Detective Baluja calls 15 minutes before the deposition was scheduled and claims that he can't attend because he's busy doing undercover work.I hope so Jorge, god forbid you really weren't doing undercover work that day! I sure hope that he didn't mean HIDING UNDER THE COVERS AT HOME!
March 23, 2009 Detective Baluja claims that he's not working that day and since the department wasn't paying him, he didn't have to attend the deposition.DUH! This is a court ordered subpoena ASSCLOWN! Whether you're working or not, you have to show up!
June 1 through 30, 2009 Detective Baluja claims that he had taken off the entire month of June and represents as much to the court.To all the MDPD readers of The Straw Buyer that work alongside Jorge Baluja, do you remember seeing him around the office during the month of June? If so drop us a line ( thestrawbuyer@gmail.com ) so we can find out whether or not he was actually on vacation. If indeed the good detective was at work, OH BOY!
August 6, 2009 At 4:45 on August 5, 2009 the Detective notifies all parties concerned that HE REFUSES TO SHOW UP FOR THE DEPOSITION ON AUGUST 6!That four strikes buddy. Back in school, did the dog eat your homework all the time? What now Jorge? How are you going to explain your way out of this one? What are you scared of? Is there something in those files that we don't know about? Are you trying to cover something up? I haven't gotten access to the deposition that were given by the states witnesses, is there something in there that's got you concerned? I'm hearing rumors Jorge, things like perjury, coercing witnesses, fabrication of evidence, etc, more or less the same pattern of behavior exhibited in the Blanton Harris traffic accident investigation. Don't worry Jorge, we're going to find out, you can bull$hit everyone else, not us.
"Rick S. says:
Frankly, I can't blame the cop. I don't know about the other guys he harassed, but I've met the young attorney, and I would have done ANYTHING to get my hands on that hot attorney with her sexy green eyes, and legs to die for. Poor Guy maybe he lost his mind.....Posted On: Thursday, Aug. 13 2009 @ 9:29AM "
"I knew she was guilty (the attorney) when she lawyered
"What did Jorge Baluja do to elicit so much hatred?"There's no hate here people, none whatsoever. You can't label revealing Detective Baluja's misdeeds and documenting how he has screwed up investigations that have destroyed peoples lives as hatred. No sir, all we're doing here is telling a story that mainstream media wouldn't tell, we're exposing how bad cops work and the consequences of their actions. I understand this is a terribly embarrassing situation for the Detective, his family and friends, but how could you compare what the Detective is going through to the humiliation that he caused Blanton Harris and his stepson Jakeem Attwell at the scene of his botched traffic accident investigation? How can you have sympathy for Mr. Baluja's feelings when he operated his mortgage fraud investigation and subsequent arrest of the attorney with no regard for her reputation and career? Who knows who else is out there whose lives you have interrupted with your half ass police work, who knows whats buried in the MDPD files. Guess what though, I'm going to find it.
"An anonymous blogger named the Straw Buyer has been dedicating a serious amount of bandwidth to bash and ridicule the Miami-Dade Police detective."
"Supporter of Det. Baluja says: Not only is this blogger going on a petty rampage on some poor guy doing his job, he doesn't even have his facts straight."Well, supporter of the good detective, I've taken GREAT CARE NOT TO STATE ANYTHING IN THIS BLOG THAT I CAN'T BACK UP WITH FACTS! (If I were a betting man, I'd say this is the detective himself making the post!) See, unlike the detective whose investigations are given to flights of fancy and wild liberties with the facts, I support everything I say with TRUTH. As easy as it would have been to make up things about the detective, it would be disingenuous of me to do so, instead I do my due diligence, find documents to support my assertions and then go forward. You would think that's the same level of care Detective Baluja would have taken when his actions could potentially DESTROY PEOPLES LIVES. I wont dignify the rest of Mr. Baluja's supporters comments here, it looks to me like the other people who commented on the New Times blog did a pretty good job, I'm not here to humiliate the poster any further.
"when I know you're up to no good and I can't prove it, my first step is to pull up your mortgage."What he meant by that was that there was virtually no one that he had ever run across that didn't in some way shape or form make some sort of misstatement on their mortgage application, by finding that little fib he then had you by the balls since by the letter of the law any misstatement or misrepresentation in obtaining a mortgage is MORTGAGE FRAUD! Lets take a closer look at the statute:
817.545 Mortgage fraud.--(2) A person commits the offense of mortgage fraud if, with the intent to defraud, the person knowingly:
(a) Makes any material misstatement, misrepresentation, or omission during the mortgage lending process with the intention that the misstatement, misrepresentation, or omission will be relied on by a mortgage lender, borrower, or any other person or entity involved in the mortgage lending process; however, omissions on a loan application regarding employment, income, or assets for a loan which does not require this information are not considered a material omission for purposes of this subsection.
(b) Uses or facilitates the use of any material misstatement, misrepresentation, or omission during the mortgage lending process with the intention that the material misstatement, misrepresentation, or omission will be relied on by a mortgage lender, borrower, or any other person or entity involved in the mortgage lending process; however, omissions on a loan application regarding employment, income, or assets for a loan which does not require this information are not considered a material omission for purposes of this subsection.
WELL SLAP MY ASS AND CALL ME CHARLIE! Remember a few weeks back where we proved conclusively that Bernardo Barrera committed mortgage fraud in obtaining the mortgage for his primary residence?! The Straw Buyer proved that when Mr. Barrera did the closing on his home not only was he unemployed but he went on to state under the penalty of breaking the law that he was indeed employed! We now know that not only is Detective Baluja reading this blog but so are a number of other members of the MDPD. Lets assume that Detective Baluja didn't do his homework and indeed missed the fact that the states "VICTIM" had committed mortgage fraud in the past, what about all the other members of the MDPD and the State Attorneys Office that now know about the case? We've produced enough irrefutable CONCRETE EVIDENCE that shows Bernardo Barrera had committed mortgage fraud in the past and NO ACTION?! Why? After all by the letter of the law we have the states "victim" committing the very act they accused the defendants in this case of, MORTGAGE FRAUD! There's no action because by admitting that their "victim" is dirty, the credibility of their entire case goes out the window, the entire house of cards comes down.
Enough of this serious stuff, lets take a look at another accident and see what the good Detective thinks."Borrower is JORGE LUIS BALUJA, A MARRIED MAN..."
"Borrower is JORGE LUIS BALUJA, A MARRIED MAN..."That's right, Jorge is married so not only does he have to sign off on the mortgage, but his wife has to as well! Now before we jump to conclusions, his wife did sign on the signature block on page 15, but ONLY ONE OF THEM INITIALED THE OTHER 15 PAGES! You know what that means? Come on now, I'm sure you can figure it out! You are required to initial the bottom of each page to acknowledge whats contained on the page! Because Detective Baluja is a married man, both he and his wife are required to initial the bottom OF EVERY PAGE as well as sign the signature page at the end of the mortgage. Having only one of them initial the pages of the mortgage MAKES THE MORTGAGE INVALID! This is the kind of mistake that the foreclosure defense clinics salivate over! To remedy the situation, this mortgage has to be re executed and re recorded. Hopefully the Detective will take this bit of advice and take care of this colossal FCUK UP!