You remember, running around Queens, hauling ass chasing the bad guys, running over garbage cans, etc. I can understand the rational behind something like that, after all those guys were smuggling drugs, their whereabouts mostly unknown, not to mention that they were a danger to the community. Let's take a look at what happened with Mr. Romney and how on one fair October night he ended up being chased around Miami by Detective Baluja. From John Romney's arrest affidavit...
So they're watching the house "in an effort to locate Romney" at which point they see him coming out of the house and getting into a car. Now, if they're surveilling him for the purposes of arresting him, shouldn't this be enough? They've located him at his house, what else do you need? So now Detective Baluja starts following the car around and the people in the car realize they're being followed by the cops, so they try to get away. Baluja then gets them pulled over by an marked car only to realize that the guy driving the car had a suspended license. Once the officer in the marked car arrested the guy that was driving the car, Romney gets in the car and drives away. I can just imagine how giddy Detective Baluja must have been at this point, him and his partner must have been laughing their asses off. Here's what happens afterwords...
Say what? They follow him to La Carreta, then back to his house to pick up a woman. Why the hell did you need to follow him to a restaurant? What's the purpose of this exercise? What were they expecting him to do, deliver forged loan documents to someone? Go conduct a fraudulent late night appraisal? I mean after all this is nearly seven months after the Bernardo Barrera fraudulent home purchase had occurred, by this time Romney was broke, so what exactly were they expecting to see? So they follow Romney back to his house, he picks up a "white female" and then according to the affidavit he "left...driving at an excessive rate of speed", why exactly are you chasing John Romney around town again Jorge?! Baluja goes on to say that...
"Romney drove through a red light...We terminated the surveillance at that point to avoid any danger to the public"Really? It looks to me that our man Romney got sufficiently pissed off that this guy was following him and took off, after all, Detective Baluja was doing such a great job of surveilling Romney that he couldn't avoid detection! Does anyone believe that Detective Baluja terminated the chase because "he wanted to avoid danger to the public?" I doubt it, I suspect Detective Baluja lost Mr. Romney and wrote this nonsense about "avoiding danger to the public" to cover his ass for losing Romney or perhaps the chase ended something like this...

What a crock of $hit.